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Collection: Anna Wright's books
Anonymous. Bhagavad-Gita.
Collection: Authors read by Wright
Anonymous. The Arabian Nights.
Anonymous. The Mabinogion, from the Welsh.... London: Bernard Quaritch, 1877.
Anonymous. The Bible.
Collection: Louis Sullivan's books
Anonymous. Electricity in daily life: a popular account of the applications of electricity to every day uses. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890.
Anonymous. "The Van Nostrand science series." The Van Nostrand science series. (1873).
Anonymous. American architect and building news.. New York: American architect.
Anonymous. "The Building News." The Building News..
Anonymous. "The Sanitary Engineer." The Sanitary Engineer. (1880).
Anonymous. Empfangs-Gebäude für den Central-Bahnhof zu Frankfurt.. Berlin: Wasmuth, 1881.
Anonymous. Illustrated catalogue of art tiles made by J.G. and J.F. Low, Chelsea, Mass., U.S.A. Chelsea, Mass.] : J. & J.G. Low, 1884.
Anonymous. Gebrüder Armbrüster "Kunstschmiede & Eisenconstructions, Werkstätten," Frankfurt A/M.. Frankfurt: Gebr. Armbrüster.
Anonymous. "Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics." Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics. (1851).
Collection: Olgivanna Wright's lost books
Anonymous. The Bhagavad-Gita. The book of devotion ... From the Sanskrit by William Q. Judge. Eleventh edition.. Los Angeles: The Theosophy Co., 1928.
Anonymous. The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci 2. 2.. London: Cape, 1945.
Anonymous. Oxford book of English verse, 1250-1918;. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1939.
Language: French
Anonymous. Société de reproduction des dessins de maîtres, 1909-1914.. Vol. 1-6. Paris: no publ., 1909.
Anonymous. "Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics." Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics. (1851).
Language: Welsh
Anonymous. Y Bibl Cyssegr–– Lan sef Yr Hen Destament A'r Newydd. Llundain: no. publ., 1857.
Subject: antiquity
Anonymous. Ten White Lekythoi in the National Museum. Athens: no publ., 1956.
Subject: art
Anonymous. The Studio Annual, 1942-1943., 1943.
Anonymous. Pageant of Japanese Art: Painting. Tokyo: Toto Shuppan Co. [distributed by C.E. Tuttle, 1957.
Anonymous. Société de reproduction des dessins de maîtres, 1909-1914.. Vol. 1-6. Paris: no publ., 1909.
Anonymous. Pageant of Japanese art. Vol. 1-6? Tokyo: Toto Bunka Co., 1952.
Anonymous. The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci 2. 2.. London: Cape, 1945.
Anonymous. Leonardo Da Vinci.. New York: Reynal and Co., 1956.
Subject: decorative arts
Anonymous. Garden and Terrace Furniture and Sculpture (sales catalogue). New York: Parke-Bernet galleries, 1954.
Anonymous. Illustrated catalogue of art tiles made by J.G. and J.F. Low, Chelsea, Mass., U.S.A. Chelsea, Mass.] : J. & J.G. Low, 1884.
Subject: engineering
Anonymous. "The Sanitary Engineer." The Sanitary Engineer. (1880).
Anonymous. Gebrüder Armbrüster "Kunstschmiede & Eisenconstructions, Werkstätten," Frankfurt A/M.. Frankfurt: Gebr. Armbrüster.
Subject: Japan
Anonymous. Pageant of Japanese Art: Painting. Tokyo: Toto Shuppan Co. [distributed by C.E. Tuttle, 1957.
Anonymous. Pageant of Japanese art. Vol. 1-6? Tokyo: Toto Bunka Co., 1952.
Subject: music
Anonymous. Unity services and songs. Chicago: Western Unitarian Sunday School Society, 1894.
Anonymous. The world's best music, famous songs. New York: The University Society, 1908.
Subject: mythology
Anonymous. The Mabinogion, from the Welsh.... London: Bernard Quaritch, 1877.
Subject: novels
Anonymous. Siberian anecdotes, a novel: In three volumes. Containing real histories and living characters.. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, No. 77, Fleet-Street, 1783.
Subject: poetry
Anonymous. Oxford book of English verse, 1250-1918;. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1939.
Subject: reference
Anonymous. The Encyclopedia britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general information.. Vol. 1-29. Cambridge: University Press, 1911.
Anonymous. A standard dictionary of the English language.. New York, N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1895.
Subject: science
Anonymous. Electricity in daily life: a popular account of the applications of electricity to every day uses. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890.
Anonymous. "The Van Nostrand science series." The Van Nostrand science series. (1873).